Busy parents are saying…

“We forgot to plan dinner, now it’s 5PM.”

“I have no time alone for myself.”

“Homework. Laundry. Dishes. Bedtime.”

“I struggle with Friday burnout and living just for the weekend.”

“There aren’t enough hours in
the day.”

“We just can’t get
out of the house on time.”

is on me.”

“We are too exhausted
to make
time for
each other.”

These are the sounds of an unstructured week.

But you’re not alone! Weekyays can help with group coaching workshops.

Group Coaching Workshops

Recommended for Employee Resource Groups (ERG), Corporations, or Community Organizations

Why Weekyays Works

“We all help steer the ship” is a phrase often recited in our house. With two working parents, a family business, and four kids with packed social calendars, it isn’t realistic to expect that Mom or Dad can do it all without help.

Back when I was a single working Mom of toddler twins, I began to realize that structure and independence are not just important to teach kids, but helps them thrive through challenging circumstances. Divorce wasn’t easy for us, but the routines I created made things feel more certain and was a family skill we carry with us to this day.

Fast forward four years and we didn’t know just how important routine would be. We were a new family adjusting to the dynamic chaos of a newborn baby brother, twins in kindergarten, and a husband at work all day in the city. Each of my kids needed me in different ways yet we would fall behind the 8 ball.

Enough was enough.

I decided to practice what I already knew we needed - routine; I’ve created an easily adaptable system that has consistently helped us get it all done, and have even carved out 2 solid hours for myself each day. I’m a firm believer that parents show up better for their kids when they have time for themselves.

Today we’re a thriving family of six standing on a solid foundation of shared responsibility, willingness to help because it leads to reward for self and others, stronger communication, and respect for mental and physical order in our home. We each play a role in the “smooth sailing” of our family ship and the to-do list isn’t just mine. We’ve reached a point where each child is able to manage their own time and expectations of them. It also works for us as caregivers - awareness, accountability, and no more nagging! I’m proudly empowering parents to restore order to their lives, breathe a sigh of relief, and stop living for the weekend.

Weekdays can be full of YAY too!

“I’m a firm believer that parents show up better for their kids when they have time for themselves.”

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